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Personal Hygiene Aid made in America
Freedom Wand Hygiene Aid

The FreedomWand has assisted people in becoming more active, independent, and confident with taking care of their own personal hygiene. We love hearing how the FreedomWand helps people recover faster, improves their personal hygiene care, and helps them stay confidently independent. 

Read below why customers love the FreedomWand!


Lou on Dec 07, 2017

I have used the Freedom Wand for the last two years. It has proven to be a very useful, and for me, necessary tool. When I had trouble with a handle I called the company and I was so pleased with the response of the person in charge that I decided to write a rating for this product and the service that I received. I would recommend this product to anyone who has difficulty in cleansing themselves after going to the toilet. I would also recommend that you take the time to learn to put the toilet paper into the holder in the proper way. It makes it so much easier to work the tool.




Tracy on Sep 02, 2017

My husband is a big man, and he travels a lot for his job. His territory is the whole country of Canada. He has to shower in many different types of bathrooms. The Freedom Wand has been a miracle for him, showering and cleaning himself. I broke my arm in the spring, and I also use it. I am ordering another one so we can both have the comfort and security the Freedom Wand gives us. Thank you for such a innovative product.




Stay clean

Gary Snow on Aug 28, 2017

With out the wand staying clean would be impossible for me. I had back surgery and the shape I'm in there would be no way of staying clean




Exellent Product

Thomas Hodnett on Aug 18, 2017

After my back surgery I had limited mobility in my back. I couldn't twist or bend to do any of the things that this device helps me with. It really works the way I need it to work to help me from moving the wrong way while I heal. I can recommend this to anyone who would be in the same situation.




"Freedomwand in my opinion is exactly that ... freedom!  I can't thank you enough for making this product available.  Cancer surgery and debilitating chronic pain has rendered me unable to take care of my toileting needs.  I was fortunate enough to find your product and since then I now have my dignity back.

I have tried other toileting aides, but Freedomwand is the best I have used hands down.  Your product is perfectly designed so that everything is easy to reach and it is at the perfect angle to get the job done.
I also use it to shave my legs, shower and even apply lotion or ointments to hard to reach places.  Thank you again for this remarkable product.  I can't recommend it highly enough.  It has allowed me to care for myself again, and that is priceless!"  



Thanks so much for making this equipment available to others. There are plenty of these types of products but none that are as sturdy or stand up to awkward challenges. This has been a blessing. Thanks so much.

Linda S W.

The Freedom Wand is a Godsend--I don't know what I would do without mine. It's a brilliant idea, a great price, and a true help for a lot of people. Your customer service is terrific, too. Thanks SO much.

Warmest regards,

Randy R.


Well it has been about 3 months since I received my FreedomWand and it is nothing short of a true blessing. I can now actually go out aand not have to worry about my personal hygiene. Your product has opened so many doors for me that I have lost a long time ago.

From the "bottom" of my heart thank you so very very much.



I just wanted to thank you for inventing this product. I think this will really help me. I am thankful that such an item even exists. The video on YouTube was very well done and most helpful. It shows that you really care about people in how you have presented your product. Thanks again and best wishes.



I recently had back surgery and live alone. I was concerned how I would take care of my personal hygiene needs. A friend sent me the Freedom Wand and it has changed my life. I can even use it to reach items on high shelves. THANK-YOU SO MUCH!!!

Marcus B.


I had carpal tunnel surgery, and I was having trouble with wiping after using the bathroom. My husband was doing it for me, but it was embarrassing, and even though he said he didn't mind, I'm sure it wasn't very pleasant for him. It is so nice to be able to take care of myself! Thank you! The other products I had looked at didn't seem to be very convenient, or effective. I saw the Freedom Wand on a website, ordered it, and it is wonderful! I'm thinking about buying another one for my other bathroom. Thank you so much for inventing the Freedom Wand!

Kirsten P


I returned home from a four month stay in the hospital only to face a new life filled with limitations, and not wanting to burden my wife who had helped me throughout my crisis. At age 60, I now had problems with limited range of motion, stairs, walking, and going to the bathroom. My occupational therapists(plural) could not recommend a personal hygiene tool except by looking at pictures in a catalog. I ordered something which I had to return since it was not suitable for someone of my size. Then the Internet brought me to the Freedom Wand. I was amazed! It is so brilliantly designed and packaged. My main pluses are:

-portability (it folds up and has a carry case)
-functionality and reliability (it really works!)
-increases personal independence and confidence
-customer support
-and of course, Made in the USA
I will be recommending the Freedom Wand ENTHUSIASTICALLY to the head of rehab at my hospital. The staff should encourage its use. Thank you so much!

Bob Sutliff


Thank you for the product! I don’t know what I would do without it. It is so sanitary.



Thank you for the opportunity to try the Freedom Wand out. It will be very useful for my 2nd carpel tunnel surgery!



Dear Deborah,
Thank you for sharing your wonderful invention with us at Grand Valley State University. We appreciate your time and support of our program through your generous donation. It is so exciting to have this new piece of adaptive equipment in our model living suite. Thank you for taking the time to come visit our class and educate us about your experience.

The GVSU OT class


I just want to Thank you for the Freedom Wand! I recently had Rotor cup surgery and personal hygiene has been a real problem for me. This is a miracle, I don’t know who designed it but thank you, thank you, thank you! You really made my life so much easier and better!



As I type this I'm proud to say I have hairless legs!! Thanks!!!

Shelly L


I found your product looking for a product called "self wipe". For my purposes, your product fits my needs for personal hygiene. I had purchased two other items whose intended use was for personal hygiene. Both products' handles were not long enough. The use of a vacuum crevice tool serves as a poor substitute for an extension. Neither of them offers an extension like yours. Thank You

Stephen K


I originally used Personal Toilet Hygiene, then I found Bottom Buddy, and while searching for better pricing or that, I ran into Freedom Wand. I liked the way this implement grips and the fact that you could use other types of cleaning devices (ie: sponge, wash cloths etc.) Thank you for shipping my order so quickly.

Lucille O

FreedomWand is imported into Australia exclusively by HealthSaver Pty Ltd 14/140 Wecker Road Mansfield Qld 4122 Australia. Ph: 1300 767888

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