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Did you purchase a FreedomWand® Toilet Tissue Aid and need it just a bit longer? Purchase an extra extension! This will add an additional 4 inches of length to the FreedomWand® totaling about 25 inches. We recommend that you do not extend beyond 2 additional extensions for a total of about 30 inches as it becomes difficult to maneuver.The Reasons why people have ordered the extension are:

  • Obesity
  • Short arms/long torso
  • Lack of proper movement for your body type

Please note: This item is the FreedomWand extension only - at least a handle and a head is required to be operational.

FreedomWand® Extension Only


    FreedomWand is imported into Australia exclusively by HealthSaver Pty Ltd 14/140 Wecker Road Mansfield Qld 4122 Australia. Ph: 1300 767888

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